LAShOR - Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian Language of Instruction








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The founding date of Moscow University coincided in 1755 with the Great Martyr Tatyana's day, the Orthodox holy day. Since then Russian students proclaimed Tatyana their patroness, and Holy Tatyana's day became a holiday both in Russia and even abroad.
Before 1940 this holiday was celebrated in latvia by Russian students corporations - SORORITAS TATIANA ( Tatyanas sistership) and FRATERNICA ARCTICA ( Northern Brotherhood). Each time the Latvian students corporations were also invited to celebrate. Thus The holiday became a symbol of cultural integration in Latvia.

In 2000 LASHOR renewed the tradition of celebrating Tatyana's Day in Latvia. The holiday was proclaimed the Day of Russian education and culture.Not students only but also the teachers of different schools (not only Russian) participate in the Day. This, LASHOR hope, will strengthen inter-national contacts within Latvia. One of the goals of the Day is to raise the authority of Russian education, to retain Russian culture in schools in Latvia.

Tatyana's Day was celebrated for the fourth time in January 2003. Financial support for the holiday was provided by the Integration Fund and Riga City Council.
One of the events of the Day was the students' creative works contest 'The Russian XX th century classics'.The contest comprised three stages: performing art, pictorial arts, and literary contest. 60 schools from Riga and other Latvian towns took place in the competition, with 58 performing art shows, 200 pictures and drawings and 66 literary works.

The programme of the holiday was as follows:

11.01.2003. Festival 'The Russian XXth century classics'. The participants presented their works in the Baltic Russian High School Educational and Cultural Centre.

17.01.2003. Charity concert for retired teachers in AVE SOL concert hall.

17.01.2004. Historical recitals 'Traditions of Russian education in Latvia'. Organized by 'Education And Career' newspaper in the Baltic Russian High School.

25.01.2003. Final gala-concert in Riga Congress Hall.The laureates were awarded prizes for their performances. The concert was a great success and more than 1250 spectators attended the event, including Karlis Shadurskis, Minister of Education and Science, Nils Muizhnieks, Minister of Society Integration, Olgerts Tipans, president's advisor on nationalities matters, Igor Studennikov, Russian ambassador to Latvia.

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